Contributing ************* - Issue Tracker: ``_ - Source Code: ``_ Any change, big or small, that you think can help improve this project is more than welcome 🎉. As well as this, feel free to open an issue with any new suggestions or bug reports. Every contribution is appreciated. Contributors ✨ ---------------- Thanks goes to these wonderful people (`emoji key `_): .. raw:: html

Timothy Langer

⚠️ 📖

Charlie Wilson

💻 ⚠️

Max Bowman

💻 ⚠️
Mohsen BANAN
Mohsen BANAN

This project follows the `all-contributors `_ specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome! 🏗 Setup --------- First, fork the `GitHub project `_ to your account. Then, run the following with your GitHub handle in place of :code:`INSERT_GITHUB_NAME`: .. code-block:: console git clone cd checkdigit poetry install && poetry shell pre-commit install Before submitting any new changes, please run :code:`make` beforehand. This formats the code and runs the tests. Thank you :) 🏛 Project structure --------------------- .. Credit for file structure: :: checkdigit ├── scripts │ ├── │ └── ├── checkdigit │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── etc. └── tests Each new format should go into a separate file which is named accordingly. 📚 Building the Docs --------------------- The documentation can be found in :code:`docs/source`. We can use `sphinx-autobuild `_ to continuously rebuild the docs when changes are made. .. code-block:: console make docs 🎪 File structure ------------------ Similar data formats should use the same function (e.g. ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 functions determine the length before calculations). Each of the Python files follow the same general format: .. code-block:: python # License + File docstring from checkdigit._data import cleanse, convert, missing_template def calculate(data: str) -> str: """Determines check digit. Args: data: A string of data missing a check digit Returns: str: The single missing check digit (not the whole block of data) Examples: >>> # These should show some different applications of the function. >>> from checkdigit import ... >>> calculate(...) "output" """ # This helps to deal with user formatting inconsistencies # e.g. spaces, hyphens, etc. data = cleanse(data) # Insert logic here # convert() deals with 10 or 11 being the possible check digit # N.B. This might not always be necessary if 10/11 aren't options (e.g. binary parity) return convert(...) def validate(data: str) -> bool: """Validates a block of data from the check digit. Args: data: A string representing a full block of data Returns: bool: A boolean representing whether the data is valid or not Examples: >>> # These should show some different applications of the function. >>> from checkdigit import ... >>> validate(...) "output" """ # Remove the check digit and see if it matches # calculate() cleanses the data for us return calculate(data[:-1]) == data[-1] def missing(data: str) -> str: """Returns the missing digit from a block of data. Args: data: A string with a question mark in the place of a missing digit. Returns: A string representing the missing digit (not the whole block of data) Examples: >>> # These should show some different applications of the function. >>> from checkdigit import ... >>> missing(...) "output" """ # For the majority of formats, there's a default template that should work well # This just brute forces the digits from 0-9 and runs validate() on it. return missing_template(data, "module-name")